Aviation is the one major industry that got severely affected due to the covid-19 pandemic.
After the onset of coronavirus, our Government has issued strict guidelines for airline companies. Since no one was allowed to travel, airports looked empty.
Due to this, the Airline industry faced a financial loss of $370 billion. In India, according to the civil aviation industry, around 39,000 people lost their jobs.
These post-pandemic changes create awareness on how the aviation industry has evolved.

Safety Measures for passengers
Nowadays, cleanliness is double-checked in airports. Disinfecting the airports, spraying anti-microbial mists on passenger seats, and frequent health checkups.
Like other countries, in India, once every 3-4 hours, all commercial flights are cleaned. Besides, airlines have installed HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters that capture 99.9% of particles of size 0.1-0.3 micron including pollen, dust, and coronavirus.
People who experienced covid-19 symptoms within the past 14 days were strictly prohibited to travel. 1. 5metre distance was maintained between each passenger.
Most airlines requested their passengers to arrive 3 hours earlier to their flight because of extra checking procedures.

Debts and its effect on Tickets
Due to the loss, airlines were pushed to borrow lots of money, and repaying them became even harder. To compensate for this price, we can expect a rise in ticket costs. In India, the airfare has been increased by 30%.
Since fare caps are controlled by the government (for domestic air operations), most airlines have requested to set free-market economics.
To compensate for this loss, the aviation industry expects an increase in leisure travels in upcoming years.

Profitability through Cargo
In the past ten years, cargo has yielded only 12 percent of the total airline’s revenue. However, during the pandemic, the increase in e-commerce sales rocketed the total air cargo by 49%. Besides, in the second wave, the export of vaccines has influenced this rate to a certain extent.
At AG Horizon Pvt Ltd, we suggest optimizing operations that yield better returns and at the same time enhance the travel experience.
Airlines must act agile to compensate for the loss in this one and half years. With the decrease in passengers traveling via air, the airline industry can offer flexible freighter flights for passengers.

The Bottom Line
Covid made lives miserable. By following strict guidelines and being agile to the continuous changes, the aviation industry is expected to redeem its path.
AG Horizon Pvt Ltd, India’s best consultancy provides business advisories to revive your airline business. Check out our services!
Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and AG HORIZON PVT LTD is not responsible for any errors in the same.