The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are a set of 17 ambitious goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end Poverty, protect the Planet and ensure that all people enjoy Peace and Prosperity by 2030. As per the state of India’s Environmental report by CSE, India’s overall score is 66 out of 100, putting India on rank 120 among 192 nations. The SDGs are an urgent call for action with global partnership while reigniting progress and creating a brighter future for all. In India, different SDG indicators are mapped along with the implementation of all 17 goals.


For the achievement of these goals, AG Horizon cemented its pathway towards global development by 2030 through its services comprising Sustainability Roadmap and Sustainable Finance. With AG’s drive to initiate change and create impact that maters, we provide support to our clients and partners towards sustainable growth. Together with our partners, we help our clients to achieve sustainable development goals offering them sustainable solutions and creating a positive impact for all stakeholders.