Government Policy Report l August 2021

Vehicles are the status symbols of Indian households for centuries and they have become their part of life and a valuable belonging over time. Yet the health of the vehicle deteriorates over time if we don’t care for them properly. These aged faulty vehicles cause high levels of air pollution (10-12 times more than fit vehicles) and put a major threat on road safety.

Thus to address these issues in an eco-friendly way the government of India has launched the Vehicle Scrapping Policy, 2021. This will also be known as the “Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernisation Programme”. Under its first phase, around 51lakh Light Motor Vehicles(LMVs) above the age of 20 years and 34lakh LMVs above the age of 15 years will be scrapped. This will also give a major boost to the circular economy in the country by attracting around Rs 10,000crore additional investment and enhance road safety in an environmentally sustainable way.